Thursday, June 25, 2009

Disney Train Tour

This week we went to see the Disney Train Tour that they are hosting around the country as a promo for The Christmas Carol movie they are making. It was free so of course we had to go. And just to make it extra fun we rode the FrontRunner (our local commuter train) up to Ogden for the event, and I have to say I loved riding on the train with my kids. We talked and looked around and I even got to read. What a better use of my hour then just pushing the gas pedal down.

The line was ridiculasly long but we ran into some friends and were able to take turns in line so it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. Once we were finaly inside the train I found out that it was far more interesting to me then the kids. However they did like making themselves into caracters from the movie but I think they would have liked it more if they could have been a girl.

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