On July 25th Tressa was baptized and became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was beautiful. Everyone who she asked to participate really went above and beyond to make it a wonderful day for her. Uncle Daryl gave a wonderful talk on the 4th article of faith and her cousin Breanna bore her testimony on baptism before she was baptized. After Uncle Dan sang the most beautiful version of I Am A Child Of God that I have ever heard to her, literally. He made her come sit up front with him while he sang to her while her cheeks went adorable red. Then our dear friend Jonas gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. Every thing was done in a way that she could understand and I know she felt very loved. She even got a cute white bear from the Primary to help her remember to bare testimony of Jesus. I think it couldn't have gone better.
Aspen turned 4 on the 4th of August, her much looked forward to Golden Birthday. She is the funnest person to give stuff to because she is always so excited and shows it. Aspen decorating her own cake. She loves to write her name.
Tressa in hair disaster #2. As you can see she rolled her long hair up in a small rollbrush and got it stuck. In the end I had to cute the little prongs off the brush and work her hair off the end. I was so scared that I was going to have to cute her hair off.
And lastly Jocelyn has lost 2 teeth this week after months of not wiggling them. I finally got her to be brave enough to push her tooth back farther and it popped out. She was so excited to have gotten it out herself.
The next tooth was even looser and she wouldn't touch it. So during Aspen's party Grandpa Bob tied string to her tooth and knocked it out. And just like that we have a little girl who is very likely to get her 2 front teeth for Christmas.
I have SO MANY memories of dad doing that to me and my sisters!!!!!
That video is great. Josie's face is priceless....
I was so great to be a part of Tressa's special day. We love that girl. I LOVE the video of Dan's song.
I love randomness. I used to have strings tied to my teeth too! Sometimes the best blogs are random
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