Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Kids make me laugh
The other night on the way home from Grandma's Josie complains from the back seat that her tummy itches. So I try and help by thinking of what might be causing it, and since we always rely on our own experiences most I proceed to tell her that she might be itching because she is growing and her skin is stretching (my tummy always itched when I was pregnant). She looked confused so I start to explain further about growing pains and growth spurts when she cuts me off quite abruptly and says "No, I think it is just my pj's".
I felt rather silly, while laughing, because that simple thought had never crossed my mind.
Story number 2- We found Aspen standing on a chair to avoid my Mom new puppy, who also happens to love eating toes. Jon picked her up and carried her away while she layed on his shoulder and cried. Jon asked why she was crying and she sobbed back "the puppy hates me".
Story numbwer 3-I have a tendency to act like a complete goof while alone with me family. Especially if it is just my kids and I am cooking something. I sing and dance and pantomime and usually my kids laugh their little heads off. The other day I started pirouettes and singing when I see Josie lean over to Tressa and whisper "Crazy Mom is back" and so I laughed and asked "What, you think I am crazy Mom just because I act like a dork while I cook?" Well now Aspen thinks it is terribly funny to call me Dork Mom-well chant it actually. Maybe I should try being all serious and see how long it takes them to beg me to be my normal "dork"self again.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Baptisms, Birthdays, Teeth and Hair
On July 25th Tressa was baptized and became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was beautiful. Everyone who she asked to participate really went above and beyond to make it a wonderful day for her. Uncle Daryl gave a wonderful talk on the 4th article of faith and her cousin Breanna bore her testimony on baptism before she was baptized. After Uncle Dan sang the most beautiful version of I Am A Child Of God that I have ever heard to her, literally. He made her come sit up front with him while he sang to her while her cheeks went adorable red. Then our dear friend Jonas gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. Every thing was done in a way that she could understand and I know she felt very loved. She even got a cute white bear from the Primary to help her remember to bare testimony of Jesus. I think it couldn't have gone better.
Aspen turned 4 on the 4th of August, her much looked forward to Golden Birthday. She is the funnest person to give stuff to because she is always so excited and shows it. Aspen decorating her own cake. She loves to write her name.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
My little tree!
And below are the ones taken in the beginning of June!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Disney Train Tour
The line was ridiculasly long but we ran into some friends and were able to take turns in line so it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. Once we were finaly inside the train I found out that it was far more interesting to me then the kids. However they did like making themselves into caracters from the movie but I think they would have liked it more if they could have been a girl.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Renaissance Festival
And what could be more 16th century then a styrofoam sword battle?This is a local group that gets together to battle for fun, and believe it or not it actually did look fun. Not the Princesses leg in the air-that is because it was cut off already. Jocelyn's favorite part was watching the archers shoot the others with arrows (again styrofoam).
It was a great day and I am so glad that Jon saw the signs for it and called to tell me I should go. It was the perfect girls activity. And I even got to dress up for the day. They even gave me a good excuse to be such a geek. 50% off!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I am not sure why but I can't seem to bring myself to host a strait from your local Disney store Princess Party. Tressa's turned into a Nights and Ladies jousting tournament and Josie's ended up being a dance. Neither of which ever had a single mention of a Disney Princess. Oh well, maybe with Aspen I will be able to conquer my phobia of all things pop-culture.
The beautiful corsages that one of the Mom's brought for each girl Wish I had thought of it myself. They were such a hit and looked absolutely darling on their little arms.
The girls dancing
Making the masks (which they didn't get to wear because the glue wouldn't dry in time).
Presents and Cake
Josie reading the cards her friends made her.
Little girls screaming over presents (be glad it is a picture and not a video)
Loving Aunt Krista in her beautiful mask.
(Which I still have if you want it Krista)