Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Week!

As most of you know we have asked the Easter Bunny to come on the first day of spring so that we can celebrate Easter Week with out so much distraction. And I absolutely love it.

Some of the fun things this year where the annual LOA (love one another) table, reading and discussing the Parable of the ten virgins by light of two oil lamps (yup you guessed it-one was full and the other was not) and watching the low one burn out. We practiced the hymn I know that My Redeemer Lives every night after dinner and on Sunday that was the closing hymn. It was so cool to have all of our kids be able to sing the hymn, especially little Aspen. And they are still singing that song in the car while I drive. I think I want to make song practice a part of every dinner now. We were supposed to celebrate passover on Thursday but me and Aspen were sick so we did Pizza and a movie instead of me cooking all day. But on Saturday night we had our Jerusalem dinner and ate out of community bowls on the ground by candle light. I love eating this way, we always talk more, stay longer, and truly enjoy dinner not just the food.

On Easter Morning we had a little devotional and then the kids watched the Living Scriptures Easter video while I made breakfast. And as a special treat we were fortunate enough to be able to have Great Grandpa Hunt over for dinner.

I love the peace and togetherness of this week-and I am already planning new things for next year that I learned from some friends. This year was extra cool though because it started with General Conference which really set the mood for the rest of the week.

1 comment:

susan said...

Hmmmm, I am just trying to count the days ahead.....I am hoping to be a part of that wonderful activity next year! I know I am being pushy and inviting myself, but I think it is absolutely beautiful what you have done to teach your kids about the Savior and Passover and Easter. I love it. Thank you for sharing. Love, Grandma Hunt