Saturday, December 6, 2008

St. Nicolas Day

This year we started a new tradition in our home. We will be picking a different country each year to learn about their Christmas culture and to try some of their traditions in our home. This year we picked Germany because my Sister Dana is from Germany and so we know a bit about their traditions already and simply because Germany is the coolest place for Christmas anyways. I think we made a good choice, it has been fun to teach our kids about where Christmas stockings, Christmas Trees, Advent Calenders, and a lot of our Christmas carols came from (since they all started in Germany).

So since we are celebrating German style that means that this morning we got to celebrate St. Nicolas Day. Last night our girls set their shoes, well snow boots, out by their bedroom doors before they went to bed and this morning when they woke up their boots were filled with small gifts and candy. I didn't get many pictures because they woke before we did and came running into our room very excited to show us what they got. It was very unorganized and chaotic which just made it that much more fun. Every single thing seamed to be the greatest treasure to them, and I had so much fun watching them squeal and giggle through the morning.

It was quite a lesson to me as a mother as well. Everything they got was simple and small but I have never seen them so excited in their lives.


susan said...

Of course they were excited! Who else in the whole neighborhood got gifts in their shoes that day! Thanks for the great pictures!

Dana said...

I had no idea, you were celebrating Christmas like Germany. I would have send you some goodies for you and the girls.
Looks like St. Nicolas was a big hit. I loved it as a child and I guess I still do.....